Tammy's Pack
Hi, my name is Tammy and I was born and raised right here in Southern Oregon. I married in 1996 and moved to Northern California, in 1998 I moved to San Diego, CA. Eventually returning to Grants Pass with my 3 daughters in 2004. As a widowed single mom raising and homeschooling 3 daughters on my own, I began my pet care business. Which became a passion for myself and my 3 girls. I was introduced to my precious India in the fall of 2019. She came to us to be socialized and get some one on one love and attention in hopes of her becoming more adoptable for Kathy. Well we fell in love immediately! In no time at all India became very attached to us and we were so pleased to have her as a part of our family.
She truly has this calming presence and was drawn towards my 2 youngest daughters who both suffer from ocd and anxiety.India has had a lot to do with helping them come out of their shell and has given them more confidence in their day to day life.If someone were to have told me that a dog could do so much for people struggling with emotional issues I probably wouldn't have believed it, at least not to the extent that they have. It is without question an incredible thing to witness first hand and daily.
India had her first litter in January 2021. THAT is when we got to see her as a mother! WOW! I have cared for many breeds and their babies in my life, but nothing compares to this breed. India was simply amazing. Loving, kind, self sacrificing gentle and protective. I think that perhaps this plays a role in how loving, sweet and calm her puppies are. She plays with them , she teaches them. They follow her and each have a unique relationship with her. Our next little addition came along in the fall of 2021 , India's sweet baby girl that we named Leia. With India being our now, Wilderness Queen, naming her daughter Princess Leia was the only name that would fit. She is an even bigger cuddler than her mom although she is smaller than her. She's very delicate in her features and a sweetheart but also has a protective way of showing she loves her humans. Last year we acquired Starry Ridge, a amazingly gorgeous purebred Alaskan Eskimo. He is every bit the Star. He's got a very sweet demeanor, loves to play and love on his humans too.
One thing I can say about all of the pups that I have the honor of preparing for their forever families, is that they will bring constant smiles and joy. We personally enjoy working with them from early on in training .
I am very pleased that these beautiful animals are so well suited for ESA. In my opinion they are designed with a special , and unique ability to sense when someone needs them
I have been an animal lover and for as long as I can remember. I have always had pets in my life. As a young girl if I came across any injured creature I'd just had to help it no matter what(thank goodness my parents were wildlife lovers themselves). Growing up we had bigger breed dogs. Golden Retrieve, Yellow, Black, and even Chocolate Labs. We also had mixed breed Husky/Timber Wolf. All very big dogs. So I've always had a pack myself . Our pack now includes 2 cats and a Yellow Lab. I think its a wonderful thing to expose my pups to. Many people already have other animals and it makes the transition a little easier. Our puppies are super social, but in their own way
My daughters have all grown into sweet young ladies and have unique skill sets. My oldest daughter Morgan is a skilled trainer and has this amazing gift when it comes to caring for our pack. My middle daughter Madison is extraordinarily observant with a creative eye for detail and planning. My youngest daughter Hailey enjoys taking care of our pups , when they need their baths, she's the first to want to help, and that's not easy, our last two litters( India had 8 and Leia had 4) just 3 days apart. Bathing 12 puppies is a great balancing act. All of us love spending time playing with the puppies and watching their personalities take shape. We love what we do and all of the work is well worth it when they are at last with their forever families.
This amazing breed is truly remarkable. They are very tuned in to their humans and truly form sweet bonds. They love to be held and cuddled.
But mostly they just love to be loved. I can't imagine not doing this.

~ Female ~
Eskimo/Alaskan Klee Kai/Teeny bit of Pomeranian
Black, white and silver Husky markings
16 lbs
This little "wilderness princess" is like a critter from the wild. She is very loving with her family but pretty skittish around strangers. I was keeping her here with my other dogs because I loved her sweet, affectionate personality and wanted her to be part of my pack. However, as she grew up she became more distant and I saw the need to change her environment. So, she now lives with Tammy, a close family friend not far away. Now she has the one-on-one attention that is specific to her individual needs. She's doing great and they love her.
“Starry Ridge”

“Starry Ridge”
~ Male ~
Purebred American Eskimo
20 lbs
Ridge is the sweetest guy! He has that awesome fluffy Eskimo coat with a gorgeous masculine mane. But his best qualities, by far are his loving personality, and his willingness to get along with all the other dogs. He's a great watchdog but not an incessant barker. He's just a great dog!