Happy Families
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We've been so privileged and happy to be able to stay in contact with so many wonderful families who have adopted our precious little “fur babies”.
I haven't posted all of our positive feedback. I will keep adding more little by little. It's so exciting to see how much these babies have enriched people's lives. Most of them have become such a contributing factor to the joy and contentment of their families. Some serve as Emotional Support Animals, therapy dogs, and one has even been trained to be a medical alert dog. (Thanks, Ann & Leeloo!!!)
Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this page.
Alex and Joey's Jewel and Sasha
I want to share this special video that Alex (10 years old) created before his family's puppies arrived.
I hope there will be more to come from this brilliant "movie-maker".
Alex and Joey are twins and their parents got them the greatest gift!
Two puppies! Jewel was born May 8th and Sasha was born just 4 days later.

Hi Kathy,
It’s hard to believe we’ve had them a week now. It has flown by! We’ve had tons of fun! These 2 little girls brought a lot of hugs, smiles, love & laughter with them. It’s been a joy!
Here are some pictures from this week. Today, we took them out to a nearby nature reserve. They got lots of attention from all the passers-by. They really are soooo cute!
... I'm still keeping them in the kitchen. Working toward potty training.... They are sleeping inside their kennel without any issues. So far, they are really tired at night and go inside without any problems. They go in around 9 and are not waking up until around 5-6. The boys and I are staying with them, either in the kitchen or right beside, in the living room where we can hear when they wake up.
They’ve had their first class at Doggie School! They worked on sit, watch me & leash walking (not pulling). That was a couple days ago. They got soooo many little training treats that day! ...We’re also into our second set of collars. They chew them off of each other!!!
We love these babies! Our hands are full!
~ Vikki
Katie and Pam's "Mau, Milo... and Meika"

"My dog does this amazing thing where he just exists
and makes my whole life better because of it"
~ Borrowed from Katie's FB page
Pam and her daughter, Katie got "Mau" from our very first litter of Mini Huskies. Then they came back to us and got "Milo" sometime later... Eventually, they decided to ad our fluffy little girl "Meika" to the pack. Each of these pups have their very own distinct personality. While they love them all, I think Mau will always have a special place in their hearts.

Maddi and Pow's
From Butterfly and Zephyr
13 lbs (estimated adult weight was 16-19 lbs)
This is Maddi and Pow's "Bindi". What a cutie she has turned out to be! She looks a lot like a Schipperke ... or maybe a "rare black fox"... Thank
you, Maddi, for sharing these with me.
(message from Maddi)
Hi, Kathy! Just thought we'd give you a 6 month update on Bindi. ... She's got a lot more white on her now and is full grown at 13 lbs.! She has the biggest personality and loves everyone she meets! She loves to play "soccer" with rocks she brings home from the park. ...She loves crawling under the covers and sleeping in between my partner and I... She's learning that we can't be with her every second of the day and that's a bit hard... She is fully potty trained and knows commands such as sit, lay down, up, dance, spin, pose for a picture, shake, and paw. Thank you so much for trusting us with this sweet girl! She is the absolute best and we are so grateful for you!

Scott's "Tiki"
This is "Tiki"... Thank you, Scott, for the beautiful pictures!
Hi Kathy!
...Here's Tiki (Allister) at four months. He is doing great and now weighs 16 pounds. Quite the character and full of energy. He's finished with vaccines and made his debut at the neighborhood park over the weekend. Since we're all stuck at home, he's getting lots of training and attention.
So here's a small dog world story: One of my friends was walking her dogs at a park in SW Portland when she saw a family with a small white dog. She asked if it was a mini husky and the family told her that it was, they got it from a breeder in Merlin... She immediately called me on Face Time and I met ... "Koda" and his family, and they met Tiki...
.... here's Scott's latest photos of what he wanted, "a little wolf."
Take good care
Warm regards,

Edmundo and Norie's
(Because of COVID 19, Kumo was not able to fly on the plane by himself. So, Edmundo flew from his home in Washington DC to pick him up. I was so happy that everything worked out and he was such a good boy on his long flight.)
Hello Kathy,
Thank you so much for this beautiful puppy. Kumo is wonderful. He was such a good boy last night. He actually waited until day light, 6am, to wake us up. He never cried during the night.
Hello Kathy, I just want to let you know that we took Kumo to the Vet and everything is good with him, as expected.
He is doing great adjusting to our home. And we feel he is the best decision we made. We are all happy.
We’ll definitely keep in touch. Thank you.
Hello Kathy, I hope you and your family are doing well, I just want to let you know that Kumo is doing wonderful, at 13 weeks he is about 14 pounds and growing. He is keeping us very active for sure, which is something we love about him, waking, hiking, we do it all with him. He is almost fully trained, he looks to be very happy with us and the feeling is certainly reciprocal.
We would love to one day have a sibling for him, I would like to ask you if you ever have a litter with a puppy that has a solid color to please let us know. Brown or Black.
Thank you again, we’ll keep in touch.
Norie Ann

Ana's "Tellie"

I think this experience is important to relate... Sometimes the size of the dog is understably very important. In most cases people can't have a dog that is too big. In this case, Ana was very much wanting a dog that would be big enough to go on hikes with her. Tellie's parents are Kiara and Charlie. It seemed that Tellie would be just perfect and so they chose her at about 3-4 weeks old. As she got older we could tell that she was not going to be as big as we thought. The day came for them to pick her up and I told them that personality wise, she was just what they wanted... a friendly, sweet, outgoing dog. But size was the problem. It was now apparent that she would be just 10-12 lbs (the size of her Grampa). I felt super bad because they trusted me to make sure they got the best puppy for them. So, the olnly thing I could do was give them the option of getting back on the waiting list, or give them a refund. We ended up letting them take her for the night so they could decide if size was as important as personality. As you can see, Tellie's personality outshined her dinky size. She's still a puppy but she hasn't disappointed them yet.
From Ana: 10/14 - "Decided to keep her! She has such a great personality, and we love her no matter her size...." 10/21 - "Tellie is getting along with the other 2 dogs...The Mini Ausie and Tellie are becoming good friends." 10/23 - "Also, I'd be happy to be a reference if needed!! We love Tellie. :)) I'd also like to add how helpful and kind you
were through the whole process..."
So please keep in mind that I will do my very best to accurately predict their adult weight... but realize that it is not ever close to a guarantee.

Amber's "Milo"
From Sheila and Zephyr

Hi Kathy,
I just wanted to share some pictures of Milo with you. I can't believe he is already 16 weeks old! ...Very spunky and full of confidence, sooo much personality! He has also been very easy to train. Just working on the play biting, but I think it's mostly just teething. We just keep re directing him to his chew toys. I was amazed how well he sleeps through the night too! His playpen is set up in the bedroom with his bed, toys & a pee pad. As long as he can see me he is pretty content every night. I am so grateful I found your site, couldn't imagine life without him ❤

Alexis's "Jax"
Communication from Alexis:
12/15 - "He is doing so great! He's so smart, we know sit, shake, and lay down! Loves belly rubs, sleeps with us, and
is pretty much potty trained, runs to the door to let us know!"
(1 month after adoption)
4/4 - "Jaxon is loving life! Lots of walks/hikes and snuggles all the time. He does have separation anxiety when I
leave for work ): We've been working on this."
(approx 7 months old)

Dawn's "Dempsey"
(Kirima and Kokomo's baby ~ 32 lbs)
Dawn's "Dempsey"
It's been so much fun being able to see this little guy grow and become such beloved member of this family. Nick and Luke were just two little boys with their pup. Now look how they have all 3 grown! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kathy,
I hope you are doing well! I’m a little late with the annual birthday picture of Dempsey, but here he is on his 5th birthday. We gave him a large, frosted doggy cookie for his birthday. He promptly grabbed it and buried it in the front yard. He is still thriving. My two boys love him so much! They miss him terribly when we go on vacation. He is still extremely attached to me though. Everyone who meets him loves him - he’s such a “lover”.
Hope your kids, dogs and new puppies are doing well!
Best Regards,
Dawn (8-12-2019)
(Kirima and Kokomo's baby ~ 32 lbs)

Akiko's "Miku"
I'm happy to share these awesome pictures that Akiko has taken of her two beautiful Huskies (Yume a full-sized and Miku our mini). Miku is Sequoia and Moon River's baby. She was predicted to be only 19 pounds but ended up being 28 pounds!

Hi, Kathy.
...We named her Miku (美空), meaning "Beautiful Skies" in Japanese. My number one hobby is landscape photography. I wish to witness many beautiful skies with Miku. She weighs 28 pounds now and is doing very well. She gets along very well with Yume, our 7-year-old full-size female husky. They do everything together. Miku follows me everywhere I go, including the bathroom! She loves to snuggle with me, Yume, or my husband, whomever is available. She looks blissfully happy when she is being petted. She is very smart and very sweet.
Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to become parents of such a special puppy.

Angela's "Keva" & "Kovu"
These two are both from Kira's very first litter. Keva weighs just 12-1/2 lbs and her brother is 27 lbs. What a difference!!!

I have been thinking about you and how I haven't sent any new pictures in a while....If I could have a herd of these little guys I would, and I would only come to you. When I was looking for them, I did not really want one. It was for my husband he always wanted one and as you know I wanted to get him one for his birthday. I think now how wrong I was. Keva and Kovu are my world. They are the best dogs I have ever had. I Have attached a few more pictures for you.
~ “Keva & Kovu's” Angela ~
Veronica's "Ding Dang"

Ding Dang has ended up being such a good girl for Veronica. She is Kiara and Moon River's baby. She was predicted to be about 17 pounds and she is about 18 pounds. So that was pretty close. Veronica is so pleased with Ding Dang that she hopes to get a second puppy from us in the future.
Amy & Steve's “Briar”

Hi, Kathy!
Briar is doing great- the vet says he's a healthy healthy boy... Briar has been hiking and snowshoeing with us a bunch and he goes jogging with Steve or I 3-4 times per week. Briar is very active, a great addition to our family, and we love our little boy. Him and Apollo are the best of friends. Hope you like the picture I attached! ~ Amy
Briar has become such a huge part of our family and I could not imagine life without him. He is so much fun, the perfect size for anything! He loves hiking, cuddling, and playing with our Alaskan husky Apollo. We really do love him so much and are so thankful that Kathy brought him into our lives.
Paul's "Boomer"

“Kathy was an outstanding breeder to work with. It was my first time getting a dog thru a breeder online. Boomer was two time zones and 2000 miles away. Kathy met me at the airport at 4 am to make the transfer happen. She is very caring as a breeder and made it very easy on me. Boomer has been a god send to our family. We have 4 kids but Boomer makes 5. He is definitely one of the family and a hit in our lake community.
Thanks, Kathy!”
~ “Boomer's” Paul ~
Ann's “Leeloo”

Ann's “Leeloo” 15 lbs
“Leeloo is an absolute love! She has trained to be my service dog and is about 85% on task with alerts. She is intelligent and sweet. It's fantastic to have her help me and be such a great companion. She handles huge crowds, hospitals, equipment, etc. like a mature dog, but loves to cut loose with my granddaughter...I really appreciate what a wonderful dog she is!” ~ Ann
Note from Kathy:
Ann says that her only real complaint is all the attention that Leeloo attracts when they go out.
Hi, Kathy. I wanted to share a great experience regarding Leeloo. I attended a national women's Parkinson's forum to help direct care protocals specifically for women with PD. It was atteded by neurologists and other related professionals and an equal number of women with PD. Leeloo was the first ever seen med alert dog for Parkinson's. She wowed them with her obedience and attention to her job. She was calm, efficient, and very well received. Her attendance generated much excitement in not only the benefit of a dog to remind for med doses, but as a benefit for alleviating depression and isolation. I am really appreciative of the benefit she brings to my life.
Chanel's “Lolly”

Chanel's “Lolly” 14 lbs
Lolly is wonderful. She has more than warmed up to us. ...other than the usual puppy stuff, she is the perfect pup. She is incredibly smart and is very receptive to training. She knows 10 tricks so far and probably 20 commands... I can't imagine life without Lolly. She goes to work with me and is PERFECT for traveling. ~Chanel
She's great! Such an incredible little dog. I realized why we had such a rough start. Since she was a bit older, she must have bonded with your family and the other pups. But boy o boy is she bonded with us now! … Not sure if it's her or the breed, but she is so intelligent. She knows SO many words. I teach her new ones all the time. You can talk to her and she tries to listen and understand. ~Chanel
Dawn's “Kibo”

Good morning Kathy! I just wanted to let you know that Kibo is doing very very well. He's so smart and knows so many commands. We are in puppy school with him and have had one class so far but he's already learned so many at home...He's such a handsome sweet baby. He's everything and more you said he would be. He's such an amazing gift. Thank you.” ~ Dawn
Kathy, he is pretty much potty trained! No accidents in weeks. He rings the bell with his nose and sits by the door. He is so smart! He loves running errands and sits calmly in the shopping cart and everyone comes over to love on him. He is so special. ~ Dawn
Note from Kathy:
This guy blew away our growth estimate chart! At 11 weeks we charted his estimated adult weight to be 17.2 lbs. He ended up being over 24 lbs.
Kelsey's “Ember”

“Kathy was wonderful to work with. She is quick to respond and really takes great care of the pups! She sent me updates of Ember every week until I was able to bring her home! We still can’t go anywhere without people stopping to give her attention. Ember has such a loving & friendly personality. I can’t imagine my life without her!” ~ Kelsey
Mathew's “Meeko”

Hope your trip into Seattle went well! My goodness Meeko is so much fun! The first day he was a little quiet, I'm sure all the newness was a lot for him to absorb. We had a football tournament this weekend, and took him out to the field he met tons of new people, and made new friends. He is extremely well behaved for a puppy, he had a great time with my friends Shiba Inu, they are going to be best buds....Thanks again for such a wonderful puppy,.. I'll continue to keep in touch and provide updates along the way.
Happy, proud new papa,
Hey Kathy! ...Meeko is so awesome... doesn't really have a relationship yet with Ellie, but he's very curious and sooo jealous. He used to go everywhere I went, but now he follows baby and Emily around. he's gained a few pounds, around 30lbs... he looks like a mini malamute now. Best dog ever... I'm so glad we were able to find you. ... contact me anytime! ~ Matt
Hello, Kathy!
That's awesome that you're building a website... I could not have been more thrilled with the process of buying a puppy from you. From start to finish, the process was extremely professional, and we would happily purchase another from you. We absolutely love Meeko, he is an excellent companion, guardian, and valued member of our family. ~ Matt
Candy's “Timber”
Candy's “Timber” 26 lbs
“He's extremely smart and is really such a lovebug.” (Regarding behavior) “Mostly he still gets excited when we have company and jumps up on people and is extremely strong so you kinda have to brace yourself when he's coming. But he's very friendly and loves to play fetch. He knew that when he came from you. It was great!” ~ Candy
My response:
“You might want to try a spray bottle with water and a bit of vinegar. Whenever he jumps up, say “NO!” and then spritz him with it. Do it every time and he will eventually get the idea... Be sure to praise him when he does good.”
Cara's “Mika”

From Kiara & Moon River
Hey Kathy!
I wanted to let you know that Mika is doing great. She has been traveling with us and is so well behaved and sweet. :-) :-) ...Thank you so much for selling her to me, she's my absolute favorite.
~ Cara
13 pounds
Angie and Anika's "Trixie-Luna"

We can't thank you enough for our little Trixie-Luna. She is so wonderful to have in our little family, and has completely made herself at home with us. She is basically potty trained and very rarely has an accident anymore. She is starting to learn commands like sit, stay, up, down, and shake. She doesn't like the word "no", but what kid does, lol. She has lots of toys and different kinds of treats and is even going to bed (crate) when told to. She loves attention and especially belly rubs! She is always making us laugh, she's such a silly girl. ….She is completely healthy, vet says she is right on track with size (13-14 lbs @ 5 months),..We fall more in love with her every day and I don't know what life would be like without her now, it feels like we've had her longer than 3 months, and look forward to the next 15-17 years with her. If we ever get another puppy it will definitely be from you....Thank you again with all my heart.
Angie & Anika
Dina's "Kona" and "Gracie Lou"

Dina adopted "Kona" from us and brought her cousin along who decided to adopt Kona's litter-mate sister "Olive". Later she decided to adopt a puppy "Gracie" for her mom. "Unfortunately", Dina fell in love with Gracie Lou and decided she couldn't part with her. It turns out that Gracie & Kona even go to work with Dina! I have to admit... I need a photo album for all the cool pictures Dina has sent me.
Oh my gosh, I've had so many dogs and I've never had one this good before. She truly is a blessing... (Potty training:) She's done. She goes to the door. Only 2 accidents first couple of days. She's soooo smart.... I'm so in love with my Kona girl... I can't believe she just sits there so patiently while we are eating and doesn't jump on the plate. My husband, who hates beggars, absolutely adores her and always gives her treats. His heart has melted... I'm so happy my cousin has Olive. They play with each other every week. Let me know when you have more puppies.
~ Dina

Kaye's "Kira"
So, this is my "special girl". I had her for 7 years from the time she was born. She had many beautiful babies for me. I dreaded the day when I would have to retire her and find her a home. It's easy to find homes for the babies. But what about when the mamas and daddies retire???
This is where the story of Dina, Kona, Olive and Gracie Lou got to be even better. Since Dina couldn't part with Gracie, whom she had originally gotten for her mom, she inquired about possibly getting an adult dog. I had worried about eventually having to place Kira with a stranger. Since I wanted to make sure it would be a good fit, I offered Kira on a trial basis. Dina's mom, Kaye, was absolutely wonderful! Not only was she willing to give it a try... It was quite evident that she was committed even witout having ever met Kira. She had to wait several months for Kira to give birth to and wean her final litter of pups. Then she traveled down from Washington to get her.
Kira went from being an outdoor "COUNTRY" dog to being an indoor "little princess" with stuffed animals and a collection of stylish outfits. :) I will be eternally grateful to Kaye and Dina for providing such wonderful homes for my pups and my little mama!
Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU, KAYE!!!!

Christina's "Misty"
"Misty Moonlight" is the oldest girl from our pack. We thought we would never even LOOK for a home for her because she basically only liked our family. She's an exceptional dog, awesome watchdog, very protective and we just couldn't even THINK of re-homing her. She and Kokomo have grown up with our youngest son who is now 16. Kokomo is 15 now and starting to slow way down. But back in November, I think, our very good friend, Christina, was at our house enough that she was like "family" and Misty seemed to take to her. So, Christina decided to take her home as a fostering situation. That would give Misty an indoor home for her old age (she's 13-1/2 years old now). The arrangement was perfect. She goes hiking with Christina almost every day and she even sleeps in Christina's bed. And as a super PLUS for us.... we get to see her all the time. So a great BIG HUG and thanks go to Christina. We love you!!!
(UPDATE: Misty lived as "queen of her domain", sleeping in Christina's bed, and being the "boss" of the other 3 dogs in Christina's care. She was a happy and sassy little girl that we will always miss. 2007-2021)