Donna's Pack


~ Female ~
3/4 Eskimo/ 1/4 Alaskan Klee Kai-x
White, soft coat
19 lbs

Jasmine is a beautiful, sweet little girl.
We chose to keep her specifically for her beauty and balance of personality.
She's affectionate and playful. She's a good watchdog. She's not at all a dominant dog but she's not timid either.
She's an excellent little "mommy".



~ Female ~
3/4 Eskimo/ 1/4 Alaskan Klee Kai
Mostly white and cream
15 lbs

Meadow is our sweet, shy girl. She loves playing with her sisters.
She is very beautiful, and resembles a white fox but with a curled tail.
She has the Eskimo color with the Husky build and coat.

“Shasta Daisy”

~ Female ~
Purebred American Eskimo
White & Fluffy
11-13 lbs

Shasta is a VERY sweet, affectionate little fluffball.
She is friendly with everyone and loves all the attention she can get.
She is not an excessive barker like some Eskimos can be. She’s a fantastic dog
that will hopefully live here with us for a really long time.

“Azalea Fern”

~ Female ~
Alaskan Klee Kai/American Eskimo
Black, white & silver
11-13 lbs

Azalea is the beautiful daughter of Fern and Montana Sky. She is tiny like her dad and very sweet and affectionate. She’s a little sassy pants when it comes to the other dogs. She thinks she is the boss in spite of her petite size. Most of the others allow her to think she’s top dog.